Bridal Photography

5 11 2009

Memang tidak mudah mencari fotografer lux wedding yang membuat elegant photography dan fotografer prewedding yang murah dan bagus, serta bisa membuat lux photography saat ini. Ada beberapa tips dalam memilih fotografer elegant wedding yang bagus di dalam pernikahan untuk photography prewedding maupun elegant photography weddings: Baca entri selengkapnya »


4 11 2009

Menggelar sebuah pernikahan, terkadang membuat pusing calon mempelai karena dikhawatirkan upacara pernikahan tersebut akan terkesan monoton dan (bisa jadi) membosankan. Agar pernikahan Anda diingat dan dikenang selalu oleh tamu, sedikit usaha keras diperlukan untuk menciptakan sebuah pernikahan yang unik namun tetap sesuai dengan style Anda dan pasangan.
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4 11 2009

Sebuah pernikahan yang berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses sering kali tak lepas dari kehadiran wedding planner atau perencana pernikahan. Tak jarang, wedding planner dianggap sebagai sahabat, penengah, dan pemersatu calon mempelai dan keluarganya. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Jenis Jenis kabel Listrik

3 11 2009

Kadangkala bagi kita kabel hanyalah berfungsi sebagai penghantar listrik.. Namun apakah hanya itu yang anda tahu?? Bilamana anda jeli, maka  setiap kali anda membeli kabel di toko listrik, maka perhatikan baik baik kabel yang anda beli. Apakah sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, atau jangan jangan anda hanya membuang uang anda. Atau malah bisa saja membahayakan jiwa anda (karna keteledoran membeli kabel). Baca entri selengkapnya »

How to Control a Servo with DMX

27 10 2009

Control of a servo with DMX is now very possible because of available microchips and controllers. DMX is the lighting industry standard. It allows up to 512 different channels of data passing through simple wiring to control anything capable of receiving DMX input. The servos can be used to move animatronics, museum pieces, robotics, and anything that requires precision control. This article will help you get started with control of a servo using the DMX protocol. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Michael Faraday

7 10 2009

The English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday, b. Sept. 22, 1791, d. Aug.faraday 25, 1867, is known for his pioneering experiments in electricity and magnetism. Many consider him the greatest experimentalist who ever lived. Several concepts that he derived directly from experiments, such as lines of magnetic force, have become common ideas in modern physics.

Faraday was born at Newington, Surrey, near London. He received little more than a primary education, and at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. There he became interested in the physical and chemical works of the time. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Thomas Alva Edison

7 10 2009

Fascinating facts about Thomas Alva Edison one of the most prolific inventors of practical electrical devices in history.

The modern world is an electrified world. The light bulb, in particular, profoundly changed human existence by illuminating the night and making it hospitable to a wide range of human activity. The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives, was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. He put together what he knew about electricity with what he knew about gas lights and invented a whole of electrical system. Baca entri selengkapnya »

The Great Internet Light Bulb Book, Part I

6 10 2009

History of Incandescent Bulbs

It is widely regarded that Thomas Alva Edison invented the first reasonably practical incandescent lamp, using a carbon filament in a bulb containing a vacuum. Edison’s first successful test occurred in 1879.

There were earlier incandescent lamps, such as one by Heinrich Goebel made with a carbon filament in 1854. This incandescent lamp had a carbonized bamboo filament and was mentioned as lasting up to 400 hours. At least some sources regard Goebel as the inventor of the incandescent lamp. Baca entri selengkapnya »

DMX-512 mini-FAQ

5 09 2009

1.0 Introduction

Welcome to the DMX-512 Mini FAQ. The FAQ is intended to answer some of the common questions relating to the DMX protocol used for theatre lighting control. It is not intended to replace the standard published by the USITT. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Apa itu Ampere Volt Ohm

5 09 2009

1. Arus (AMPERE)

Arus listrik adalah banyaknya muatan listrik yang mengalir tiap satuan waktu. Muatan listrik bisa mengalir melalui kabel atau penghantar listrik lainnya.

I = Q/T

Pada zaman dulu, Arus konvensional didefinisikan sebagai aliran muatan positif, sekalipun kita sekarang tahu bahwa arus listrik itu dihasilkan dari aliran elektron yang bermuatan negatif ke arah yang sebaliknya.

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